
New functionalities in version 2.2

New features on subscription management and new integrations with collaborative tools.

For this new update of Dokos, small changes are to be noted like improvements on the management of subscriptions and new collaborative tools that can be connected.

Improvements in subscription management

Create a subscription from a sales order

You have the ability to link an item to a subscription template. This will allow you to automatically create a subscription from the sales order, either from the website or from the desktop if the order is of type Shipping Cart.

2. Modifying your subscription from the website

From now on, it is possible to add or remove an option to one of your subscriptions. This allows your users to have more flexibility in managing their subscription(s).

3. Ability to manage multiple subscriptions per user

From the customer portal, it is now possible to manage multiple subscriptions per user. Previously, only the last subscription was displayed in the subscriptions section of your users.

New features in the integrations

It is now possible to send notifications via the following collaborative tools:

  • Google Chat
  • Mattermost
  • Rocket.Chat

Possibility to activate the order validation without payment gateway WEBSITE

For the customer portal part, it is now possible to enable checkout without payment gateway. This allows you to receive orders from your users without them having made the payment.

Before this, there had to be a gateway activated (Bank transfer, Stripe etc..) or the user could validate his request by sending a quotation request.

You can find the detailed list of changes in this new update in the technical documentation.

Our roadmap is accessible to everyone, so don't hesitate to comment, suggest and propose concrete solutions to help us make this software evolve in the right direction.