
New functionalities in version 2.0

Supplier quote comparison, WooCommerce, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube integrations, French accounting standards, automated vacations, production planning

For this new version of Dokos, many changes have been made to all the modules, especially in the user interface.

Comparison of supplier quotes

From now on, you will be able to compare supplier quotes on Dokos and scan barcodes in purchase receipts. You will also be able to manage multiple units of measure in your tenders.

Display of the balance sheet according to French standards

The display of the balance sheet according to French standards for French companies. In addition, a new option has been added: the down payment invoice becomes possible in the invoicing options.

Better integrations: WooCommerce, social networks

The arrival of a new WooCommerce connector for your online store (stock management, VAT, invoices) improves the synchronization between your store and Dokos.

You also have the possibility to configure posts for your social networks LinkedIn, Twitter and even see your statistics on YouTube.

New printing options

New printing options are available for your transactional documents in Dokos (Quote, Order, Invoice).

A new Location module

This new module allows you to reserve items, with the ability to confirm the reservation of the item as soon as the payment is processed.

Customizable sales rules

New features to boost your sales offers by adding price rules and recursive rules (2 bought, 1 free for example).

Better tracking of your shipments

New type of document Shipping in which the configuration of shipping parameters is possible. Integration with parcel shipping gateways.

Automate your team's vacations

You can now automatically allocate leave based on a leave policy. Other new human resources management features are available: promise to hire and partially paid leave.

More efficient manufacturing process

Schedule the production of sales orders, material requests and work orders. In addition, you have the ability to create BOM templates for your production.

You can find the detailed list of changes in this new update in the technical documentation.

Our roadmap is accessible to everyone, so don't hesitate to comment, suggest and propose concrete solutions to help us make this software evolve in the right direction.