
New functionalities in version 1.4

Linear depreciation over 360 days, demo translated in french, map view and data conservation when a document is renamed are available in v1.4.

We are happy to offer you a minor Dokos update to wait while we work on a major udpate in the coming months.
Four new main features are enriching the software.

New depreciation method

Dokos can now calculate a linear depreciation with a prorata on 360 days.
It was a missing functionality for France where it is the most commonly used depreciation method.

The demo can now be generated in french and in english

It is now possible to choose the generation language of a demo of Dokos.
At this stage we have translated the original demo of ERPNext in french and plan on adding more localized data in the coming months.
This technical step allows us also to add demo data in other languages as well in the future.

Map view

A new type of view "Map" can display your addresses on a world map and apply all the filters you need like with any other view.
This new view necessitates the activation of the Google Maps API to fetch the geolocalisation data for each address.

Map view

Registration of a renamed document

Now, whenever a document is renamed, this information is conserved in a new type of document - Renamed document - that can be easily queried for audit purposes.

The Digital Ocean image for this new version will be available soon and the update on our cloud will be rolled out in the coming days.

Our roadmap is available, so don't hesitate to comment, suggest and propose concrete solutions to help us put this software on the right tracks.