
Install party at l'Hermitage

La Compagnie des Tiers-Lieux and the third place l'Hermitage are arranging two days - 5 and 6 of november 2020 - dedicated to software tools for third places during which you are welcome to come discover Dokos.

La Compagnie des Tiers-Lieux is organizing two days (5-6 november 2020) dedicated to setup and take ownership on software tools adapted to a third place's activity. In particular we will propose several sessions dedicated to setting up and use Dokos.

The final program of these two days will be constructed based on the registrations and the interest shown for each of the proposed tools.

All of this will take place in the idyllic surroundings of the third place l'Hermitage in Autrêches.

Except Dokos, 9 other software of collaborative platforms will be presented and will be subject to dedicated workshops:

  • France Barter
    Collaborative marketplace on which companies can exchange goods and services. The originality of the platform comes from the fact that invoicing is not done in euro, but in "Barter", a virtual solidary currency with the same face value than euro, but not directly convertible and therefore destined to circulate around members of the network.
  • Les oiseaux de passages
    Les oiseaux de passages is a cooperative platform for another kind of travel. It favours direct exchanges and encounters between inhabitants, professionals and travelers, from human to human. It allows local stakeholders to promote their hosting and activities offers, their creations and productions, their good plans and to tell them under the form of stories, itineraries and destinations. Third places are members of these communities or create them by bringing together people around their project. They are supported in to tell and share their destination.
  • Label Emmaus
    Label Emmaus is an e-commerce platform for ESS stakeholders. Third places hosting makers, creators or any company with a positive social impact which sells or plans to sell online could make their users' life easier with a partnership with Label Emmaus.
  • Open Food Network
    Open Food is a cooperative network allowing the creation of a point of sale for locally produced farming food. During the containment period, numerous third places have allowed their community to supply themselves through local direct distribution via this solution, with farm drives for example.
  • Hubl
    Hubl is an open-source collaboration and exchange cloud tool for communities in different third places and work communities in general. The main functionalities are: Team chat, member directory, mission offering sharing.
  • Movilab
    The third places wiki. Rules of life and onboarding process, history and feedbacks, project update to attract partners ? Take the time to create contents to share.
  • Liibre
    Selection of open-source solutions hosted by the IndieHosters collective. Includes, Nextcloud, Only Office, Rocket.Chat or Jitsi.
  • Cahier d'activités des tiers-lieux
    The activity book to create your third place.
  • Loot
    Web mobile application to follow and share contributions and retributions within a community.

If you are member of a third place interested by the usafe of one or several of these tools, don't hesitate to register at the following link:

If you wish to setup Dokos in your third-place, it is the ideal occasion to start while being supported and having the possibility to exchange best practices with other third places.
If you already use Dokos in your thirs place, these two days can help you push your usage of Dokos and discover the novelties of version 2.